Well, not too long ago (during the summer, I think) the boys were supposed to be napping while I was gone to get my hair done and Hunter was downstairs napping. Unfortunately, that's not what they were doing. See above pictures!
They had gotten a hold of the "Vat" of Buttpaste that we keep in their room for diaper changes and managed to put it on every inch of each other's bodies. This mishap ultimately resulted in their first haircut!
Well, today was a new day. Hunter called me late in the day when I had to stay late at work to let me know that I was going to have a little work to do when I got home. He had to referee his first soccer game of the Spring season tonight, and the boys had a second mishap with the diaper rash medicine (we had Desitin this time instead of Boudreaux's because, according to Hunter, it was way cheaper). It was much more of a disaster this time.
There was Desitin in the carpet, on their beds on every piece of stuffed animal, blanket, sheet, etc in their beds. It was great! Lesson learned for the second time...Put the Boudreaux's out of reach!
lol! so much fun!