Anyways, we went to dinner with my parents on Friday which was fun as normal. Saturday was pretty busy. We had a babysitter and my sweet hubby had Valentine's plans for us. Even though it was a day early, Sundays are super hectic at our house, so we took the day we were able to get a sitter...Saturday it was!! Right before the in-laws came over to baby-sit...The boys insisted on dressing up like "Woody.Since Valentine's day is one of our little first date anniversaries, we make it pretty special each year. We alternate the responsibility of plans every other year. This year was Hunter's year to plan. He ordered tickets online for the movie Valentine's day and we went to dinner at Big River before. The new theater downtown is so nice!!! The movie was great and we had a nice date!
Sunday was typical craziness! We went to church and I went to the hospital afterwards. I actually had plans with a girlfriend for her birthday on Sunday night. It was nice to get together with friends. I don't do it much, but I really had a good time.
Monday I did rounds and hung out at the house for the rest of the day. For those of you that are keeping track...My mom came over and babysat like normal and I did let Hunter go run errands, go to the gym, etc! He got a little break. I cooked dinner and we had a nice quiet evening at home.
I love my little family!! By the way....The title might be a little confusing. When I started blogging, our darling little angel Cooper was in the middle of getting in trouble with his Nana for telling her to shut-up! AWESOME!! What's great is, when I got home and told him we needed to talk about the bad word that he said to Nana. He proceeded to tell me when asked, Did you say a bad word to Nana, and I quote..."But Mommy, I didn't say a bad word. I didn't tell Nana to Shut-up!" Oh, little ones. It's great!
Just to let you know, Emalinn will be going to Vanderbilt on Monday! More updates to come! Another birthday party this weekend, too. We went to Pump It Up two weekends ago, and the boys had a blast. This weekend it's The Little Gym!! I can't wait to take them b/c they have so much fun.
Sunday was typical craziness! We went to church and I went to the hospital afterwards. I actually had plans with a girlfriend for her birthday on Sunday night. It was nice to get together with friends. I don't do it much, but I really had a good time.
Monday I did rounds and hung out at the house for the rest of the day. For those of you that are keeping track...My mom came over and babysat like normal and I did let Hunter go run errands, go to the gym, etc! He got a little break. I cooked dinner and we had a nice quiet evening at home.
I love my little family!! By the way....The title might be a little confusing. When I started blogging, our darling little angel Cooper was in the middle of getting in trouble with his Nana for telling her to shut-up! AWESOME!! What's great is, when I got home and told him we needed to talk about the bad word that he said to Nana. He proceeded to tell me when asked, Did you say a bad word to Nana, and I quote..."But Mommy, I didn't say a bad word. I didn't tell Nana to Shut-up!" Oh, little ones. It's great!
Just to let you know, Emalinn will be going to Vanderbilt on Monday! More updates to come! Another birthday party this weekend, too. We went to Pump It Up two weekends ago, and the boys had a blast. This weekend it's The Little Gym!! I can't wait to take them b/c they have so much fun.
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