Monday, September 14, 2009

Emalinn's Dedication

For those of you that were there....THANK YOU!!
Emalinn was dedicated at church yesterday, and it was such a special day for us. We now have all of the prayers and support of the entire church which means so much.
We were so busy this weekend...Friday was lunch with friends and I cooked dinner for our friends. Saturday was Touch a Truck at the Riverpark, which our boys absolutely loved, then a birthday/swimming party.
Yesterday was awesome! First we had the actual dedication at church. Our family came for that! We then headed home to a house full of people. All total, I counted 52 people that I could remember being there...WOW! I never knew I'd have enough room for that many people in my house, but apparently I do! There were a lot of children there which I love to see. Our kids played really well with everyone. Really well enough that they took a four hour nap! The last visitor finally left around 9:30 last night!
It was a wonderful day. Again for any of you that read this and were there...Thank you for making Emalinn's day so special!

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