Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Weekend

It's Friday again for me. I'm looking forward to the weekend b/c it just means we're one less weekend away from Florida. Even being on call this weekend isn't going to bother me.

We teach our last class with our current SS classes this Sunday. I think Hunter and I are both pretty bummed to be changing classes only b/c we have awesome classes. My girls are great. They are always there and I've gotten to see them grow a little bit their first year in high school. I can remember being quite different from my Freshman to Sophomore year. I know, I know 14 to 15...big deal. It was for me. I think I grew up a lot after being a silly little freshman! These girls are great! I like Hunter's class too. I know he's going to miss having the triplets! That's right, I said triplets. He has these three guys in his class and they are a hoot. They give him such a hard time and it is too funny. I hope this group of kids' parents know just what great kids they have. I can only hope that our kiddos are as fun and well-behaved as they are.

Pray for us...we know we were spoiled with such good classes. We will need strength this next year!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So, yesterday I used the blog to vent for 1.2 seconds. I didn't really want to do that, but I did. So, now I'm apologizing. I really just want to talk about my family and keep our friends and family updated on Emalinn.

My entire household has been sick. It started with Ethan then Cooper then Hunter then me then Ema. Now my mom is super sick and my dad started yesterday. It's just a "summer cold" but it won't go away. It's time to Lysol our house! In case you were wondering, it is SOOOOO pitiful to see a 2 month old sick. She is snorting to breathe and has this pitiful little cough. It makes me so sad.

In other news, right when I came back to work there was a possibility that my friend that works here (the nurse practitioner) was going to leave and take another job. I have been so excited to be back here and at the same stinking sad that he might leave. I told my boss that I just couldn't fathom it being only me and her working here. This place is a zoo and there has too be more than just one doctor and a mid-level provider. We would be sharing call EVERY OTHER WEEKEND and I wouldn't be able to do the job she brought me back to do.
NEWS FLASH...He's staying. We get to remain our little happy family for now. I'm really pumped.

It's awesome to see how blessed we all are by God when things are good in our lives. I really have to remember this when things aren't always perfect. I wish I was better at doing that. God is always good and there's a reason for everything that happens to us all. Everyone please remind me of that when we head to UAB on August 25!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good friends? Just not sure...

Sometimes I wonder what my friends are thinking.
I have really great friends that sometimes manage to really hurt my feelings. I just don't understand..........................

Monday, July 27, 2009

New, old job

So, I've had people ask about my job.

I used to work in Cleveland at an oncologists' (the only oncologist in Cleveland) office, but I left for what I thought was going to be an amazing opportunity about a year ago.

I went to work for a Gyn-Oncologist who is a friend of mine. We had worked together in the past, but never just me and him. He finally needed someone, so it was going to be awesome and like old times only better b/c we wouldn't have my old boss (a complete tyrant) making us was only so I thought that it would be better...

I left Cleveland on good terms. My boss was so understanding about the fact that I was being offerred the opportunity of a lifetime. She even called me a couple of times after I left to see if I would come back. A friend and I were her Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner. We all were a great team, but again at the time, it was what I thought was "an opportunity of a lifetime."

As we all unfortunately learn throughout life...some things are just not what they are cracked up to be. I'd love to blog all day about how I was treated when ultimately, I'd just be griping about other people and their 'tudes! I can't change people or the way they feel about someone or something. I can just come to terms with the fact that I did nothing wrong other than think I was going to be welcome in a new place and have some sort of authority. (When really all I got was a lot of hatred aimed at me for no reason and tons of nothing jobs put on my plate).

I can honestly say that I've never been disrespected by my peers or underlings (yeah, I just wanted to say that word), if you will, more than I was over the past year. In my almost 5 years of practicing medicine, I have never said that I was too good to do ANY job. I've earned my keep at all three jobs I've been at. I've worked partner hours and been paid measly salary. I've tried to do everything I could to please a boss that was absolutely unpleaseable. I feel like I've paid my dues at those two jobs. I'm only 30 and feel that I've had a boss that had me pay my dues the first two years I practiced. In all of this time, I've never said that I was too good or "I didn't go to school for that." BUT..............I was finally driven to break out that quote. One would think that I would feel guilty about it, but all in all, I don't!

Boy, have I learned A LOT!!! It's amazing what you CAN learn in one little, bitty year!

One thing I did good before I switched jobs...I didn't spit in the well I drink out of. I'm back in Cleveland working great hours with great people who completely respect me and my position in the office. No more piddly little chores to keep me busy.

So, maybe one day I'll talk all about everything that went on, but in a long drawn out way, this is a summary of what happened.

I do know that there are good people in the world though. If not, I wouldn't be where I am today. I don't dread going to work every day. As a matter of fact, I enjoy it when I'm there. What a concept!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Family Fun

Today has been an awesome day. Yesterday we spent the day at the pool with the boys on my first Friday off. Soon I'm going to be greedy and want Thursdays off too. It was awesome spending time with my kiddos and hubby!

Back to my point...Today we spent the day w/ the kids, Nana, Meredith and Landon at the pool. Then we went to a cookout with Hunter's family. It's so funny...we had plans w/ friends and a babysitter. While I don't need that all of the time, we were looking forward to it. I was so upset when our friends ditched us for what I guess was better plans. We ended up going to a cookout w/ our mixed up families. My mom came, and Hunter's fam was there. I forget just how great it is to spend time with family that you don't see all of the time.

I love our families and feel like we are so blessed to have so many people around that we love and that love us! Our kids will be the most blessed children with so much love given to them. God is good!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday is my Friday's post is going to be short and sweet. I have to work and get off of the computer b/c once today is over, I'm off for three days. I'm loving the idea of Thursdays being my Friday!

Work is like I was never gone (for over a year)...more on that another day!

One of my best friends, Kary, emailed me yesterday and told me she was dreaming of our trip to the beach...Now I can't quit thinking about it. 16 days is the official countdown.

Have any of you ever been to Seaside, Florida. It's beautiful and awesome and peaceful and relaxing...Cannot wait!

I'm going to post some family pics this weekend on here.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I had a few people ask me why Emalinn is going to UAB and why she is having a CT scan. I have tried to make sure that everyone knows what is going on, but since the blog is new....I will update everyone.

When I was 36 weeks pregnant, we were told that Ema had excess fluid on her brain which is referred to as Dandy-Walker malformation. She had a cyst that formed in the back of her brain near the 4th ventricle which caused her to not have room to develop all of her cerebellum. The potential for birth defects was anywhere from no signs of the malformation (The genetic variant) to possibly not living past her birth (full blown malformation). Of course, there was a lot of possibilities in between as well. They did not move up my delivery date for fear of causing any more complications for her health. It was a LONG three weeks to wait for little Miss Ema to come. We had tons of support from our family and friends.

(Just a side note...The cerebellum is responsible for your balance, gait and gross motor skills)

On May 26, 2009 at 7:53 am, Emalinn Ann Mitchell McLaughen was born without any physical signs of the malformation. She went straight to the newborn nursery. During our hospital stay, we had some extreme highs and lows. She had an ultrasound, CT scan and MRI of the brain in a three day period. There was varying schools of thought from different doctors regarding the scans. We were told at one point that she would for sure need a shunt in her brain. Ultimately, we saw Dr. Boehm (neurosurgeon in Chattanooga) who assured us that she was doing well and could potentially not need surgery.
(For those of you non-medical people, surgery would mean a shunt.
A shunt is a "drain" that is placed in the brain and goes into
the abdomen to redirect the fluid that can cause pressure on the brain.)

Next, we then went to her two week check-up with her pediatrician and found that her head size had increased. We were sent directly to the hospital for an ultrasound where they diagnosed her with increased fluid. That pretty much was a one-way ticket to UAB.

At UAB there is a Pediatric Neurosurgeon, Dr. Jerry Oakes. While he pretty much lacks a personality, I feel that we are blessed to get to see him. He is well-known nationally for his work with children. He gave us a lot of good news. He told us that Ema would likely never be a tight-rope walker, but she could very well be a perfectly normal child. He also told us that while he cannot guarantee that she will not need surgery, he could say she for sure doesn't need a shunt right now. He was also hopeful that she will never need it. We will go see him on a 2 - 3 month basis with CT scans done at UAB.

So.............that is our story about our little miracle baby! Right now we are waiting to go to UAB. We go on August 25 and have a scan that morning and see the doctor that afternoon. It will be pretty stressful, but for now she is doing great! She's a little fatty compared to her big brothers. That's a good thing though!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh, I have to work EVERY DAY!!

So, I'm in the full swing of things at work now. I was really sad when I went home yesterday. It was good to get home early enough that the boys weren't up from nap though!

Hunter has been hit in the face with the Stay-at-home dad of three thing! It's a lot of work. I'd love to be able to do it, but right now this is the best thing for our family!!

For those of you that don't know why we are going to UAB, I'll post a detailed blog tomorrow about what is going on with Ema.

As far as the boys being in Preschool...I really want them to get a chance to socialize with kids other than each other, ya know??? They are only going one 1/2 day a week. I think it will be really good for them. Plus, it's going to make taking them to school some day, slowly easier for me. I don't do well with them being something other than my little, bitty babies forever!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Back to Work

Today is my first day back to work after being on maternity leave with Emalinn for 8 weeks. I can't believe she is 8 weeks old. It was so hard to leave this morning (especially after she projectile vomited all over me, her and the bedroom carpet). Hunter is at home for the first time all day with all three of them. While I enjoy things like this...not so sure he's going to be jumping up and down with joy when I get home. (Jumping up and down that I'm home...maybe!).

After I'm back at work for a few weeks we are planning on taking a vacation to Seaside, FL with our friends, Ben & Kary, as well as my parents. I'm not sure everyone (besides Hunter and me) know what they are getting themselves into with 3 kiddos at the beach (in one house!!).

Just an update on little Miss Ema (the boys' favorite nickname for their sister), we are heading back to UAB on August 25th. She will have a CT scan that morning and then we will see Dr. Oakes (the pediatric neurosurgeon). What a stressful week that will be for our family! The boys will be going to Preschool orientation on Monday, Tuesday is UAB and Wednesday the boys will start Preschool. I'm going to be a basket case.....