Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Sometimes you never know what good friends you have until you need them.
Some good news that I got from a wonderful friend was what a good experience she had at Vanderbilt when her daughter had to have a fairly emergent surgery. She also dealt with Vanderbilt when her daughter later had to go through a battery of testing. She is one of the most calm and collected people I know. We went through 2 1/2 years together in PA school and I'm not sure anything ever rattled her. I, on the other hand, am not wired that way! (This is for those of you reading this that don't know this already!) Just hearing her be so calm about all of the things that her daughter went through and is still going through is truly an inspiration. She is an awesome Christian and I have to thank God that she is in my life.
It's just amazing to see why and when God puts certain people into our lives. I would have never made it through PA school without her. I also probably wouldn't make it through this trial in our lives without her!!!
Actually, we have really good friends these days. We were just talking about it before we even found out that Emalinn was going to have surgery. Friends that we know we can count on no matter what or when we need them. There have been people in both of our lives that have come and's kind of like we've loved and lost. That's always ok, ya know!
Anyways, just continue to keep us in your prayers. I just got over what we think was the H1N1 flu...That was lots of fun. Pray that no one else in our house gets it!!
More to come...


  1. remember vandy is where they sent us to find out what was wrong with charles' eyes - and one of the ladies at work had her first grandson born about that same time at erlanger and he had to be airlifted to vandy for open heart surgery when he was only 3 days old - and he is now a healthy 6 year old - so i have nothing but respect for the docs at vandy - there were great with us and took great care of charles' eyes and the baby...and remember, the best doctor in the universe will be there guiding everything that happens that morning - God is watching over all of you!
