Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Day, New Stress

Well, we got home Thursday evening after staying for 4 extra hours in the hospital. We were "discharged" at 7 am, but the doctors didn't actually write the orders until 11:30 am. The boys were with Hunter's parents, so we sent them on their way instead of making them wait for us. We got to see Hunter's brother one more time before he headed out to meet his wife for a vacation with her family to Vegas...
Side Note: We are so proud of Heath (Hunter's Brother). He applied and has been
accepted into seminary and is going this fall. It's such an amazing thing to be
called to the ministry and it's so cool to actually know someone who has been
called to serve the Lord through his work!!!
So, we got home after Ema slept the entire way! I couldn't believe it. She did so well and even slept through the night. Of course, I did make Hunter sleep on the couch so that she could have plenty of room to sleep with me!!
We have been spending the last couple of days getting adjusted. The boys came home this evening. I knew I had missed them, but I was so excited to see them!!! Our family will now try to get back to normal. Things will probably not ever be 100 % normal, but we are going to make every effort to try! More to come........

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