Monday, October 26, 2009

Sorry it's been so long!

Well, it's come to my attention (throat clearing...JANE!!!), that I haven't updated our blog lately. I have been absolutely insane for the last week. I was on call last weekend and had to rummage around for babysitters every day b/c Hunter was reffing all weekend.
Then it hit...Hunter got the swine flu!!!!! It was fabulous. He couldn't get out of bed for days. I was coming into work late and waiting on babysitters. Our normal helpers, Hunter's parents, were out of town all weekend until the middle of the week. READ: No babysitters! So, anyways, we managed. Hunter is still not 100%, but we are pressing on!
Emalinn is doing great. She went to see her regular pediatrician on Friday. All is good. She felt like she was looking wonderful. I talked to her about getting Tennessee Early Intervention involved with Ema's care. They are a state-funded organization that offer PT/OT/Speech Therapy and anything you can think of. They come to your house and everything that your insurance doesn't cover, they do! It's a great thing. Although Ema is doing well, I just wanted to get ahead of the game. Our pediatrician gave us some good news though! She felt like they would come to our house and say why are we here. She's perfectly normal! That was really great to hear. So, for now, we just keep on trucking. We go back to Nashville in three weeks!
That's pretty much all the update I have time to give now. I'll do better this week.


  1. We're kind of in the same boat, Chara. I'm in bed with the flu diagnosis, and Dale's working from home to care for Addie:-(

  2. TEIS is great - they were part of our college for years - but I think they would wonder why you called them - Ema is doing just perfectly welL!
