Monday, July 20, 2009

Back to Work

Today is my first day back to work after being on maternity leave with Emalinn for 8 weeks. I can't believe she is 8 weeks old. It was so hard to leave this morning (especially after she projectile vomited all over me, her and the bedroom carpet). Hunter is at home for the first time all day with all three of them. While I enjoy things like this...not so sure he's going to be jumping up and down with joy when I get home. (Jumping up and down that I'm home...maybe!).

After I'm back at work for a few weeks we are planning on taking a vacation to Seaside, FL with our friends, Ben & Kary, as well as my parents. I'm not sure everyone (besides Hunter and me) know what they are getting themselves into with 3 kiddos at the beach (in one house!!).

Just an update on little Miss Ema (the boys' favorite nickname for their sister), we are heading back to UAB on August 25th. She will have a CT scan that morning and then we will see Dr. Oakes (the pediatric neurosurgeon). What a stressful week that will be for our family! The boys will be going to Preschool orientation on Monday, Tuesday is UAB and Wednesday the boys will start Preschool. I'm going to be a basket case.....


  1. The beach will be fun, though, and you'll have enough adults to make it much easier! We'll be praying for you all as she has the tests. That, I'm sure will be stressful, and so will the boys starting preschool. They will love it, though. We can't wait to have "little Miss Emma" in the nursery! You know after having 13 or so when the 3 sets of twins were in there, that we are bored with only one, two, or three babies. Four is the most we've had in ages!

  2. Congratulations on going back to work and also best wishes. I know it's a difficult transition to make but I know you'll do wonderfully. I will be praying for your trip to UAB and that God will provide good test results. And just so you know, H. will be starting pre-K in August as well. Believe me, I feel your pain. So if you need a friend with whom to be a basket case...let me know!

  3. I can not believe it has been 8 weeks...I will be praying for you, my fellow basketcase! Where are the boys going to preschool?
