Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh, I have to work EVERY DAY!!

So, I'm in the full swing of things at work now. I was really sad when I went home yesterday. It was good to get home early enough that the boys weren't up from nap though!

Hunter has been hit in the face with the Stay-at-home dad of three thing! It's a lot of work. I'd love to be able to do it, but right now this is the best thing for our family!!

For those of you that don't know why we are going to UAB, I'll post a detailed blog tomorrow about what is going on with Ema.

As far as the boys being in Preschool...I really want them to get a chance to socialize with kids other than each other, ya know??? They are only going one 1/2 day a week. I think it will be really good for them. Plus, it's going to make taking them to school some day, slowly easier for me. I don't do well with them being something other than my little, bitty babies forever!!

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