Monday, November 23, 2009

What a Call Weekend

Well, I guess I've come to the point where I don't have time to stop and blog until the weekend is over.
I was on call this weekend and since I was off to take Ema to the Doctor on Monday, so I worked Friday (BLAH!!). Over the course of the three day call weekend, I had 18 patients in the hospital. Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness! (A little Annie reference for ya!) I had a Silpada jewelry party in the middle of rounding, so I ended up going to the hospital twice on Saturday and worked 7 1/2 hours!! ARGH!!! Anyways, I've never been so excited to see a Monday in my entire life! I miss my kids so much more when I don't get to spend the weekend with them!!
I'm soooooo excited about Thanksgiving! Only a few short days and way too much to do! Then there's BLACK FRIDAY!!!
There will be tons to blog about this week...

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, honey - slow down! Hope the party went well - when do I need to pay you for my order? And I need to get those cokes out of your way.....
