Thursday, August 27, 2009

UAB Visit

Well, we didn't really get the news we were hoping to hear from UAB. I've just been trying to take it all in right now, so it's taken me a little while to post anything.

Basically, her head circumference went from the 50th percentile to the 90th percentile in 2 months. While her head stayed within the range that the Doctor had given us, it still grew quite a bit. The CT Scan was apparently much more telling than her head circumference. Dr. Oakes had originally told us that she does not have hydrocephalus unless the fluid leaves the ventricles in her brain and goes to other places. From what I gathered (trust me, even with a degree IN medicine, this guys is a little hard to follow and his answers require translation), the fluid amount was only large in the fourth ventricle prior to this visit. Her CT scan showed increased fluid now in the first and second ventricles.
Saying all of this...he told us that we are at decision time. His recommendation was to return in three months with an MRI, and from what I could translate, plan on surgery soon after if her the fluid continues to increase. Our issue now...we have to change doctors. He was very kind in telling us which physician he would chose out of our options. He seemed to be confident in the other doctor's ability and experience. Unfortunately, this doctor may not be comfortable with waiting the three months, and he may tell us that she needs to have surgery now.

I am officially in shut-down mode. For now, it's the only way I know to keep myself together. Hunter is one amazing man who just keeps on trucking as well. God will get us through this and we both know that. We just had such hope after our last visit that she may never need a shunt. I know it may seem routine to all of these doctors, and everyone around us seems to blow it off since "the doctors know what they are doing." I just can't quite fathom my daughter being put to sleep much less having surgery. Sedating her for the MRI is scary enough!

Right now, we are waiting on our pediatrician to call with an appointment at Vanderbilt. More to come.

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